Delaware Crossing Farm

We’re a family creating a sustainable, humanely-raised, local farm.

Mountain-Raised, Intentionally-Fed

Our birds enjoy the freedom to be in fresh air and sunshine, foraging on our 80 acre evergreen-forward farm at least 180 days out of the year where they get grass, bugs, worms and anything else they can find in the dirt. We supplement our birds’ diets with organic, soy, nut & gluten-free feed once a day.

Endangered-Breed, Polyculture Focused

Commercial farms are so busy raising one animal to pump out enough product for profit, they lose sight of the importance of these animals to our ecosystem. Now, many native birds are on the verge of extinction

We choose to raise endangered and native breeds of poultry to encourage heritage breeding and not just focus on the biggest meat bird or egg laying breeds.

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Family Farm

Delaware Crossing is a family farm started and operated by a single mom with two teenagers. Our focus is to bring you intentionally-fed poultry products, inspired by our founder’s own allergies. We want the same healthy food that we like for ourselves to be made accessible to everyone. Learn more about us here.


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